Sunday, October 26, 2008

Not much ado about nothing

This week was a  bit slow for me in general.  A bit of mining to try and help the corp get a POS up.  Not much mission running.  I started to join in on more of the PvP in the region my corp is at.  Lots of people spending so much time complaining about people not joining fleet that they don't send invites to the folks that are trying to join.  You finally get in and they are only willing to camp gates.  They are only willing to get into stand up fights if they are deep within our own territory.  Even then they won't fight without a 3 to 1 favor.  I understand not wanting to lose expensive ships.  I can't afford to lose a battleship or battlecruiser once a week right now.  So instead I fly a cruiser.  Frigs would be good too if we weren't in low sec.  Gate and base guns will eat frigs a bit to quickly.  Of course that wouldn't be an issue if we didn't always gate camp.

So far it seems like other groups that run through the region consider .  I haven't heard of our region's alliance winning or dragging out a draw in a good fleet battle.  All of the recent victories have been either gate camps against small numbers or a battle of 15 ships with carrier support against 5 battleships.  Outside of that everyone pretty much just hops in station and lets the reds make a run through the systems picking off the one or two people to dumb to monitor the intel chat channel.

That doesn't bother me as much as the attitude of some of our own folks.  People that bitch about us not pulling together a reactionary fleet of 30 in 5 minutes, but refusing to join up when you try to get one going.

Anyways, I've been thinking about how the different corporations and alliances in Eve progress through a development cycle fairly similar to state entities in real like.  The different forms of state develop for the same reasons: To increase ones capability to project violence.  I am going to try to write up a better explanation later.

I also have started to get back into reading more about the Eve community.  Didn't realize that there were so many people blogging and podcasting on it.  It is pretty neat to see.  Certainly makes my blog feel silly, but that is fine since a whole two people read it at the moment.

No!  Either one of them is me or my mom.  Give me some credit!

1 comment:

DocShaw said...

Hey freakazoid, update your blog already!!